One small step

OK, so here it is my official blog and the first post of many to come. So Writing a blog was never something I had actually considered as it scares the life out of me to think people are reading your personal thoughts, but alas i had to remove myself from the rock i was living under and face the music as they say.

After being blatantly told that I had no future in the field of wine journalism as I had no writing experience, as well as being told, and I quote "writing does not run in my blood" together with"I have no passion for wine" I scraped together what was left of my ego; cooled myself down to a simmer and began the process of creating a blog. So this will help me prove (I hope!) that yes, shock horror, I do have a passion for wine and writing!

That said, I am still rather apprehensive about all this, but after meeting a couple of bloggers in the flesh I realize they are pretty awesome people and the best thing, they're all human and normal (I'm using normal very loosely in this context!). So it makes me feel all the more comfortable when stepping into the world that is blogging.

So that's it folks, my one small step into the world that is blogging has been made (and I have survived!). Who knows whats to come.........just wait and see!


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