Weather, or not

I think it is safe to say that Winter has definitely set in for Capetonians. In the past 3 weeks, the weather Gods seemed to be rather confused as to which season they were in as we were pelted with rain for a full week and then suddenly, had 5 glorious days of sunshine and what came very close to summer temperatures(Well close enough!). With that said, I think they have come to a general consensus that we are not in Autumn anymore and have progressed onto Winter.

I also think its safe to say that this Winter is going to be one very wet and windy affair. Unless you are one of those crazy  individuals who actually likes the cold, rainy, damp and depressing season that's is Winter, you will need something to keep you going until winter is over and spring warms us all up once again. That something to me is a nice rich glass of red. It warms the cockles of your heart and makes winter seem bearable. Sitting with a glass of red in hand with a roaring log fire (or historic bubbling oil heater in my case!) by your side will no doubt ease the unpleasantness that is winter.

That in mind, week 2 of my wine recommendation challenge will be on red wine, namely Pinotage. This was a rather selfish decision on my part I must admit as I am most looking forward to a glass of Diemersfontein Pinotage, the original 'coffee/chocolate'  Pinotage. For more on 6 other Pinotage wines, keep reading from June 7th-June14th. In the meantime, pull out those heaters, happy huggers and hot water bottles, its going to be a cold one!


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